The advances in dental technology have changed many procedures for the better. Instead of using a scalpel during oral surgery to remove teeth or remove excess gum tissue, the laser takes the scalpel’s place. While the typical treatment for gum disease is scaling and root planing to get rid of plaque and tartar, laser treatment in Mesa, AZ, can do the deep cleaning and more.

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is often caused by patients neglecting professional dental cleanings, bad oral hygiene, and genetics. Diabetes and smoking are significant factors as well. Smoking can reduce the effectiveness of gum disease treatments and allow the disease to advance.

While many people develop the first stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis, patients can cure it by brushing their teeth more often, flossing, and getting dental treatments for it. Along with tender, swollen gums, other symptoms of periodontitis include:

  • Receding gums
  • Bone loss
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Bleeding while brush or flossing teeth
  • Teeth shifting
  • Teeth loss

How Lasers Treat Periodontitis

Laser treatment near you takes the place of using traditional hand tools by our dentist in Mesa, AZ. Along with removing plaque and tartar, our dentist uses a laser to remove excess gum tissue after pockets have formed around teeth. Getting rid of the extra tissue allows for your gums to tighten around your teeth so that they don’t start to shift or become loose.

The laser also helps regenerate tissues like ligaments, collagen, and bone by stimulating the body’s stem cells. This can help tighten loose teeth as the connective tissues and bone regrow around them.

Why Dentists Use Lasers

There are several benefits of laser treatment, including:

  • Less invasive treatment
  • Faster healing times
  • Less risk of bacterial infection
  • Customizable treatment for each patient
  • Less bleeding

If you notice the signs of gum disease, don’t hesitate to contact U Smile Family Dentistry for an appointment with our dentist near you. Starting treatments at the first signs of trouble can help save your smile.

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