What is Tooth Extraction? How Many Teeth Can Be Removed During A Procedure?

What is Tooth Extraction? How Many Teeth Can Be Removed During A Procedure?

August 1, 2021


Tooth extraction is necessary, especially when there is a spread of infection, cavities, crowding, or trauma to the teeth. Generally, tooth extraction can be avoided if proper teeth care such as brushing daily, flossing daily, and regular visits to the dentist.

How Many Teeth Can Be Extracted At Once

There is no limit to the number of teeth that can be extracted during a procedure. However, extracting multiple teeth take more time than pulling a single tooth. Multiple teeth extraction is especially suitable for people with advanced tooth decay, periodontal disease, bone loss, or trauma

What Are The Hardest Teeth To Extract?

There are instances where teeth may be hard to extract. In these instances, a simple extraction procedure is not suitable. The hardest teeth to remove are broken teeth, wisdom teeth, cracked teeth, and impacted teeth.

  • Broken Teeth: when a teeth breaks and a significant portion is lost, it may be difficult for a dentist to grab and remove the remaining part. Broken teeth may occur when there is severe trauma or decay. Also, a tooth may break during an extraction procedure, leaving bits behind.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Generally, molars and premolars have curved or hook-like roots. Extracting this type of teeth is quite complicated because there are multiple nerve endings and fragile roots; excessive force during the extraction may damage the gums or jawbone. Dentists advise that wisdom teeth should be removed early to reduce complications.
  • Cracked Teeth: cracked teeth may leave fragile portions of the tooth behind. Before an extraction procedure, a dentist examines the affected tooth properly. If the tooth is fragile, a simple extraction procedure may break the teeth and lead to complications
  • Impacted Teeth: when the jaw does not have enough space to accommodate the teeth or teeth erupt at an angle, impacted teeth occur. A simple extraction procedure exerts force, and applying this method may cause damage to the gum tissue or jawbone.

How Painful Is A Tooth Extraction Procedure?

When you visit a dentist, there will be a thorough examination to determine if you need an extraction. Usually, the procedure is not painful because you get an anesthetic that makes you numb to the pain. After the procedure, you may feel some discomfort for a few days. Also, there will be a blood clot in the extraction site. There are precautions to take after removing your teeth to avoid dislodging the blood clot, prevent infections, and speed up the healing process. However, if pain worsens, contact a dentist immediately.

Dos and Don’ts After Tooth Extraction

The following are aftercare methods for speeding up the recovery process after an extraction procedure;

  • Hold the gauze pad on the extraction site for about three to four hours after the procedure
  • Use painkillers according to prescription
  • Apply pressure to the affected area using an ice bag. Avoid using the ice bag beyond 10 minutes at a time to prevent tissue damage
  • Avoid rinsing or spitting for about 24 hours
  • Do not take hot foods or liquids
  • Avoid using a straw for about 24 hours
  • After 24 hours, you can rinse the mouth with a salt solution
  • Limit movement and rest for at least 24 hours
  • Use a pillow when lying down. Laying down flat can slow down the healing process
  • Take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing. However, ensure you avoid the extraction site
  • Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours
  • Eat only soft foods for about a week


Multiple teeth can be extracted during a tooth extraction procedure. The aftercare tips discussed in this article can help speed up the healing process after an extraction procedure. If pain worsens despite these tips, it is best to call a dentist immediately to check for signs of an infection.

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